The Battle for Alterac Valley - A Great day for the Alliance 12/1/09
The battle for Alterac Valley rages on and the Alliance was fighting like I haven't seen in quite a while. I fought in 25 battles on Wranngar, 23 wins and 2 losses. We were dominating in there today. I almost wish I needed marks or honor lol. I got a lot of kills today, 1254 to be exact, and 37,752 honor I'll never see because the cap for honor is 75,000 and I have been there for quite awhile now. I also have 100 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor which is the max on those. I am just in there for the kills and they are piling up. I can almost see that title after my name, it is dim but getting brighter :).
We won a lot of the battles by getting Galv, then getting IBT, IBGY and TP, while some went ahead and got FWGY, East and West Frostwolf Towers and the Frostwolf Relief Hut. Once the towers burned we killed Drek. We did a couple Blitz's today too and those went pretty smooth. In the last battle, which we lost, holding SHGY and SFGY where the reason. It is stupid to take SHGY when you don't have IBT and TP capped but it is really stupid to take both SHGY and SFGY unless you have all 4 capped or capping. We didn't. The other loss was directly related to someone taking SHGY and getting us wiped out of Frostwolf because the Horde didn't have any graveyards so they rezzed in their cave. From there they came right into Frostwolf in force and wiped us out.
Of course we had the usual stupid stuff going on too, people starting EFWT and WFWT capping then jumping down to stand on noob hill in front of the keep while a single Horde went up and recapped them. That happened 3 times in one battle so I guess that is just one lesson some people are not going to learn. The same thing happened in the next to last battle with the FWRH. We had it but the Horde started it capping 3 times because no one was watching it... That is not as bad, when you recap it, it comes right back. All in all it was a great day in Alterac Valley and made me proud to be Alliance for a change, except for the AFK, they are an embarrassment.