Sunday, December 13, 2009

Alterac Valley 12/13/09

I fought in 15 battles in Alterac Valley on Wranngar tonight, 10 wins and 5 losses.

Remember me saying that there are certain times to fight in certain battlegrounds and certain times not to? Well we started off really well, we got 9 of the 10 wins in a row. Then we had 2 losses, a win and 3 losses. You could see the quality of the people change. We went from most of the group following some kind of plan to people wanting to farm kills. The funny part about that, and I mean funny in a sickeningly stupid way, is that they ended up getting farmed. They wanted kills because they didn't have any. If you have really low kills what does that mean? No experience. What does no experience equal? The Horde farming you... I am assuming school is out for the holidays because it has been bad in all the battlegrounds lately at certain times.

We did have some good battles in the first 9 though, we had a few where the Horde wanted to turtle and we pounded them all the way back to Frostwolf Keep then took that away from them so they were rezzing in their cave, then killed their General. Good times.

In all but one of the losses we ended up with the Horde forcing us back into Dun Baldar. We never ended up rezzing in the cave though and they won those on reinforcements. Lack of experienced players and starting off outnumbered 2 to 1 was the problem there. In the other one they just killed our General for the win before we could kill theirs. I got over 800 kills tonight so I am right on track for my achievement, 100000 Honorable Kills. I have less than 5,000 to go.


Eye of the Storm - Daily Battleground 12/13/09

Today my daily battleground was Eye of the Storm. I fought in 7 battles, all losses, on Wranngar before I gave up. The quality of players was the worst I have ever seen. I am not talking gear, I am talking experience.

In over half the battles more than half our team came off the rock and went straight to the flag. That tells me they have no experience in EoS. What's worse, they don't listen either so they are not going to get any better. It is sad, it is not a hard battleground to win in, it just takes a little common sense which, unfortunately, these people do not have.

How hard is it to understand that towers win in EoS, not the flag. Flagtards have ruined that battleground. If you take, defend, and hold 3 towers you will win. You don't even need to touch the flag if you hold 3 towers throughout the entire battle. Apparently we can not do that. What the Alliance does is leave nodes unguarded so they can try to get the flag. Or they will leave one person on a node and tell them to call incoming and not come when they do...

There was one person whining up a storm in there today because she said the Horde were dominating that battleground with pre-mades. Where she was getting that I don't know, because all the battles I was in with her we were not against pre-mades, almost everyone was playing like it was their first time in EoS. I was pointing out what we were doing wrong that was making us lose but she refused to listen to it, it was "the Horde pre-mades"... It wasn't leaving nodes completely unguarded, it wasn't 9 people going after the flag when we only had one node, it wasn't people fighting on the roads, which accomplishes nothing, it was "the Horde pre-mades" that was causing us to lose. All 7 of the losses ended in Horde 4 caps with us rezzing on the rock, I never saw anything like it. That was the mentality in there today. I finally gave up because it was obvious we were not going to win one with those people. I might try again early tomorrow and see if that group is any better.


Strand of the Ancients - Daily Battleground 12/12/09

Strand of the Ancients was my daily battleground today, I fought in 2 on Wranngar, one win and one loss. It seems like the last few times I have done this one it has taken 2 to get it done.

In the first battle we were just outclassed I guess, the Horde made it all the way through the yellow gate, took down the door to the Titan Relic and captured the portal. When it was our turn, we got the yellow gate down and that was about it. As usual the Horde were traveling in packs, the only way they can kill anything it seems, and the Alliance were running around all spread out making easy targets. There is nothing new there and if you think about it, it is surprising we win anything with that approach.

In the second battle we did a lot better. It seems the first battle is the warm up battle and in the second one we get down to business. We stormed the green gate, moved on to the red gate and so on to the yellow gate. We had that down with 3 vehicles still up and took the door to the Titan Relic down with no problem. We captured the portal and were done. Then it was the Hordes turn. They never even got the yellow gate down by the time the timer ran out, we stopped them before they got to it.

That concluded my daily which I handed in for 19g86s, 1241 bonus honor and 25 arena points.


The Battle for Alterac Valley 12/12/09

I fought in 45 battles for Alterac Valley on Wranngar today. Not all at once, I fought in some early and then a lot later on. We had 26 wins and 19 losses. The Alliance wasn't doing too bad today.

We had some really good battles, quite a few face to face with the Horde. The Horde are Blitzing a lot now, they won a lot of battles that way. They also won a few on reinforcements and so did we. That's where the face to face battles come in. I got around 1600 kills today.

We tried to Blitz a few times but the Alliance just can't pull it off lately. The main reason for that is no teamwork. We just can't get enough people to go straight to Drek from the cave. Heck, we can't even get some of the people to come out of the cave, we have to report them AFK and have them removed. But the major stumbling block is Glav, people can't ride past him. You have to do the Blitz in 6 minutes or less, so if people stop for Galv we don't have enough time. Not to mention they trickle out of Galv then start getting towers. It is really sad the Alliance can't work together. I am glad I got my Blitz out of the way last year. For awhile there we were doing the Blitz at least once a day but not anymore.


Wintergrasp 12/12/09

I only fought in one battle for Wintergrasp on Wranngar today, a loss. It was the same sad story as the other day. There were only 6 of us outside the keep, everyone else was sitting inside waiting for us to carry them I guess.

I headed right to the southeastern tower and started killing Warsong Champions to get my rank. By the time I got my rank it was all over. I said in chat, several times, get out of the keep, get some siege vehicles, and start taking down towers. No one listened. They just sat in the keep and waited for the Horde to take it down around them which they did. I don't know what's wrong with people, why we get a group like this once in awhile... I was so disgusted with that I didn't bother going into another one. I will try again tomorrow.


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