Sunday, January 3, 2010

Alterac Valley - Holiday Weekend 1/2/10

I fought in 8 battles for Alterac Valley on Wranngar tonight, 2 wins and 6 losses. It was what I have come to expect from a battleground on it's holiday weekend. We had a good day yesterday but that is the exception on a holiday weekend.

We had a lot of inexperienced players and a lot of AFK in all the battles I was in. Holiday weekend in a battleground brings out all the weekend warriors, people who only fight in battlegrounds on their holiday weekend. They have no real experience and are usually very poorly geared. It also attracts a lot of AFK who are after the double honor. The AFK problem is so bad you get someone kicked for being AFK and they are replaced by someone who is AFK. It is a never ending battle...

In the 2 battles we won, we won one of them on reinforcements and one by killing Drek. That was the first battle I was in, I thought we were having a good day by the way that one went, boy was I wrong. We capped all 4 towers and killed Drek. It went pretty smooth and everyone worked together as much as the Alliance can. In the other win the Horde turtled and we just fought it out. We managed to get IBT and TP capped as well as IBGY. We killed Galv right at the start even though they were waiting for us in there. We just ran in and slaughtered them. We managed to hang onto all our towers but didn't have all their towers so it was not Stormpike Perfection, I think they killed Balinda too.

The other 6 battles I was in were just sad. The Horde just ran over us. I got a bunch of kills out of them at least so it wasn't all for nothing. In most the losses we ended up turtling in Dun Baldar until the Horde ran out the reinforcements. It really sucks that the holiday weekend started right after that stupid Gnome achievement ended, it has been a rough couple weeks for the Alliance in AV.


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