Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Arena Points Awarded for Daily Battlegrounds

Blizzard is now awarding arena points for completing the daily battleground quest in patch 3.3.0. For completing the daily battleground quest you get the usual 19g86s, 1241 bonus honor and, now, 25 arena points. Personally I like the idea, it will make my arena points add up faster. Of course you will still have to have an arena ranking to spend them though, so you will still have to do arena. What do you think of this new development?


Warsong Gulch - Daily Battleground 12/8/09

Warsong Gulch was my daily battleground today. I hate WSG, the Alliance consistently do bad in there. If you want to see Alliance playing at it's worst go fight in WSG. If it is the daily again tomorrow I will skip it. I ended up fighting in 4 battles on Wranngar, 3 complete and total losses and one win which we won on a technicality.

The first 3 battles we lost 0/3. We didn't cap the Horde flag once and the Horde capped ours 3 times. The reason for this was everyone fighting in the middle. They didn't care about protecting the flag carrier, the didn't care about getting the Horde flag, they didn't care about getting our flag back, all they did was fight in the middle. This is one battle ground where it is Alliance holiday weekend every day for sure, you get the worst of the worst in WSG...

Finally in the last battle I was in, I wouldn't do an extra WSG for all the honor in the world, we won on a technicality. We capped the Horde flag once and they capped ours once. When the timer ran out we won. I can only assume it was due to returns or something, I'm not really sure how it works as I only fight in WSG when I absolutely have to.

Anyway that got my daily done and got me 19g86s, 1241 bonus honor and, something new with the new patch 3.3.0, 25 Arena Points.


The Battle for Alterac Valley - The Battle Limps On 12/8/09

It took me 4 hours in queue before I got into my first AV on Wranngar tonight. That's why I fought in AB a few times. We didn't have a great night in there tonight, we started one battle 13x40. Yeah, we were a little outnumbered. Needless to say we lost that one.

We lost a couple more by being outnumbered and then having some idiot take SHGY when we were finally making progress and capping FW Keep. That resulted in us getting wiped out of FW Keep and ending up back at SHGY, good thing we had that... It was not really poorer play than usual, we just didn't have the numbers to overcome the stupidity. Towards the end of the night it started to even out, as much as it ever does anyway.


The Battle for Arathi Basin - 12/8/09

I fought in 3 battles for Arathi Basin tonight, all losses. This is another battleground the Alliance used to do good in and now couldn't win if their lives depended on it.

The main problem with the Alliance in AB, and the problem we were having today, is stupidity. Yeah, the same problem the Alliance has in a lot of battlegrounds. We had a 3 cap going on quite a few times in these battles and that's all it would have taken to win, but would the Alliance defend those 3 nodes? No. They had to leave and try to get another which would cause the node they left completely unguarded to be taken by the Horde. They did this time and again, not learning from their mistake of a couple minutes ago.

Someone would call incoming to ST and everyone would leave the GM and LM to go there... Needless to say the Horde was in possession of the GM and LM shortly after. I am not sure why we do so bad in there now, we used to do really well. Now it is like holiday weekend in there every day.


The Battle for Wintergrasp - 12/8/09

After the server started again today the battlegrounds were all messed up. I don't think there was an actual problem with them themselves, there just weren't many people on I think. Anyway the first Wintergrasp I fought in only had 14 Alliance players in it. The Horde still had 11 Tenacity though, so much for fair...

The Horde were in control of Wintergrasp Keep and we were unable to take it back from them in the first battle I was in, we just didn't have enough people and the Horde were too overpowered with the Tenacity. We fought it out and ran out the timer.

In the second battle, a couple hours later, we had more people and were able to take it away from them. It really wasn't hard. We still had all 3 of our southern towers up when it was over. We ended up taking it by busting all the way into the keep. I handed in a 4 quests total, getting me over 53 gold and 40 Stone Keeper's Shards.


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