Monday, January 25, 2010

Arathi Basin - Daily Battleground 1/24/10

Today my daily battleground was Arathi Basin. I wasn't really excited about that because we have not been winning the last few times I was in there but we did ok today. I did this one on both Wranngar and Gomorra and they each got their win in the first, and only, battles they were in.

I did it on Wranngar first. We won that one pretty easily. We held 3 nodes throughout and had a 4th for most the time for a decent win. That is unusual for the Alliance, whenever we have won in there lately it has been really close. We won this one by over 500 points. Most the people were playing it smart and guarding nodes instead of running off to try and capture a 4th and 5th node.

When I got in there a while later on Gomorra it was back to business as usual. It only takes 3 nodes to win but why hold and defend 3 when you can have 5. The problem with that strat is that even when we have 5 people can't stay put, they will leave nodes unguarded to try and farm Horde at their rez point and end up losing nodes. We held 3 for the most part, barely, and would get a 4th then lose 2 because everyone left nodes unguarded to try and get another. We ended up winning that one by less than 100 points which is what I have come to expect from the Alliance in there when they win.

I turned this in for 19g86s, 1241 bonus honor and 25 arena points on each.


Isle of Conquest - 1/24/10

I fought in a bunch of battles today in Isle of Conquest on both Wranngar and Gomorra. We satrted off pretty good but by the end of the night things were really going downhill and I decided to call it a night. I fought in 4 battles on Gomorra, 3 wins and 1 loss. We were still doing well in there at that point. I fought in 10 battles on Wranngar, 6 wins and 4 losses.

In the earlier battles I fought in on Gomorra we were still using the 'get the Hangar and drop into the Horde keep' strat then hit the gate from the inside as well as the outside. It was working well. We would usually get either the Docks or the Workshop so we would have some kind of siege equipment to back us up. That is the strat we had been using all weekend and that is the strat that was working. It was still working when I logged over to Wranngar.

When I got onto Wranngar we were still doing well, we had 5 wins, a loss and another win. Then it was like the entire group of people who had been fighting in there all weekend and winning left. We got people in there saying the Hangar strat doesn't work, everyone to the Docks, we had one person who insisted that we attack the east gate on the Horde keep...

Let me explain why that doesn't work. For starters, if you are coming from the Docks to the Horde keep with siege equipment you have to go by the guns at the west corner, then by both the guns at the east and west corners, and finally by the guns at the east corner to get to the east gate. If your piece of siege equipment is even still running at that point you can be sure it is on it's way out. Also the people inside have to keep running past where the Horde are rezzing to bomb the east gate from the inside and they get wiped out. Here's a little advice: If someone is saying to attack the east gate, put them on ignore and encourage everyone else to do so as well.

That one was a loss and we had 2 more in a row right after that before I called it a night. The other 2 were people saying to forget the Hangar and go to the Docks. Almost the entire Horde team goes to the Docks at the start of the battle and I have never seen us get the Docks at the start, we usually take it over later in the battle. So after everyone got wiped at the Docks we had nothing except a loss. I am probably done fighting in there for awhile now as the Alliance seems to have gone right back to losing in there. The holiday's over as the saying goes.


The Battle for Alterac Valley - 1/24/10

I fought in 2 battles for Alterac Valley on Wranngar today, one win and one loss.

I got into the first battle a little late, most the people were almost to Galv already. We were only outnumbered by 4 at that point so it looked like a win. I ended up catching up to everyone as they were coming out from killing Galv. I helped capture IBGY then headed with them to Frostwolf Graveyard. Some people stayed behind and took IBT and TP. I stayed behind to guard FWGY until it capped and while I was doing that they took out Drek for the win. A nice easy one and encouraging.

I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up though because we lost the next one to a turtle. The second battle was about what I have come to expect from the Alliance in AV lately. Someone started IBT and TP capping then left them and moved on. Same with IBGY and FWGY, started the flag capping and moved on... Needless to say we lost those and then the Horde took back FW Keep from the 5 or 6 people there trying to cap it. As we had no GY's, because no one guarded them, we all ended up in Dun Baldar for the turtle. The Horde won that one on reinforcements as the do so many.


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