Friday, December 11, 2009

Stormpike Perfection - 12/11/09

I finally got the achievement Stormpike Perfection on Wranngar. This is an achievement from Alterac Valley. This was actually the second time in the past month we did it but I didn't get the achievement the first time. I put a ticket in and talked to a GM who said "It might have been your add-on's". He said he would send in a report and have it investigated. I never heard anything else about it, about what I have come to expect from Blizzard service. Anyway we did it again tonight and I got it. I had the same add-on's running as last time.

To get this achievement you have to Win Alterac Valley without losing a tower or captain. You must also control all of the Horde's towers. I didn't even notice we had all our towers, Bal was still alive and we had all the Horde towers, it was a surprise when it came up and said I got it. I am glad that is out of the way, I think that is the hardest achievement to get in AV.

I fought in 19 battles tonight, 21 wins and 7 losses. The night didn't start out well, we lost most of those 7 at the start and won towards the end. I get a kick out of the quitters in AV, if it doesn't look like it is going to be a fast win, people start dropping out... They get a 15 minute debuff and half the time we go on to win in less time than that, it makes me laugh.

We had some good battles tonight and I got a lot of kills. Not the 1,000+ I have been shooting for daily but around 800. I had some really good days this week though so it will still average over 7,000 for the week. As of this post I have 92,657 HK's, I still need 7,343 to get my title, another week. I am shooting for the achievement 100000 Honorable Kills which gives you the title "of the Alliance" for Alliance or "of the Horde" if you are Horde.

We tried to do The Alterac Blitz a few times tonight, an achievement I got on 11/02/08, but failed because, once again, not everyone went to Drek. It is a big mistake going by Galv when you are trying to do the Blitz, Glav is a tard magnet. Some people CAN NOT go past Galv. Once they see Iceblood Garrison they have to stop and kill Galv. That's what happened in the Blitz's we tried tonight. Take the people that stop for Galv, add the AFK to that, and you're looking at half your team gone.

We had a couple turtles, on both the Alliance and Horde sides. We had some nice face to face battles, I love those, the kills just come pouring in. We also got wiped out of Frostwolf Keep a couple times because someone capped SHGY at the wrong time and flooded us with Horde when they rezzed at their cave... That is another mistake the Alliance is doomed to repeat time and again I guess. I had a great time in there tonight though, AV is my favorite battleground and I would rather fight a losing battle in there than a winning battle in another battleground. Of course I don't need honor or marks so that is easy to say lol. For some reason the marks are staying in the mail for 30 days since patch 3.3.0. When you reach the cap on marks they mail them to you. Usually they would be good for 24 hours then disappear out of the mail. I liked that, I never had to worry about it. Now my mailbox fills up every day and I have to go in and delete the e-mails one at a time...


Battle for Eye of the Storm - Daily Battleground - 12/11/09

Eye of the Storm was my daily battleground today and I fought in 2 on Wranngar to get it done.

I knew we were going to lose the first battle about 10 seconds into it. Over half our team came off the rock and went to the flag. Two of us went to FRR, one went to DR and the rest went to MT. We lost DR straight off, didn't get FRR because the Horde had 8 people there and then we were down to one node. We got BET for a little bit and I thought we were going after FRR from there, because a large group was heading that way from BET, but everyone went for the flag again. It went back and forth like that until we were all rezzing on the rock and it was over. Once again, too many Flagtards ruined the battle.

In the second battle we were in we did a lot better. We got MT, DR, BET and had FRR clocking for a few seconds then lost it. We did manage to hang onto DR and BET while losing and retaking MT. That kept the Horde busy and we were able to run the flag some. We ended up winning that one by over 600 points.

That completed my daily which I handed in for 19g86s, 1241 bonus honor and 25 Arena points.


The Battle for Arathi Basin - 12/11/09

I fought in one battle for Arathi Basin on Wranngar tonight, a loss. I did it for something to do while I was in queue for AV.

We had a good start which is usual for the Alliance, then it went downhill. We started off with the Stables, Lumber Mill, Blacksmith and Gold Mine, 4 nodes. Then we lost the GM followed by ST. From there everyone left the BS to go to the Farm, which we got for a minute, but lost the BS. I was on defense at the LM, the only node we held throughout the whole battle. There were 2 to 3 of us there. At least always 2.

The problem the Alliance has in all it's battlegrounds that I can see is lack of defense. The Alliance doesn't know how to defend something once they have it, the have to leave it undefended or under defended and go off to try and get more. That usually ends up in a fail, a loss. After watching it for years now I have come to the conclusion that they will never learn.


The Battle for Strand of the Ancients - Daily Battleground 12/10/09

I fought in 2 battles for Strand of the Ancients on Wranngar today, one win and one loss.

The first battle I was in we lost. It was pretty close but we just couldn't do it, the Horde were a little better than we were in that one. In the second battle we were a little better than they were. Both battles were close. Those are the best battles, where you really have to work for the win. When you just run over them, or they run over you, it is not as much fun, where's the challenge in that?

In the battle we lost we made it all the way through the yellow gate into the courtyard but couldn't get to the last gate that the Titan Relic is behind. The Horde held us off and the timer ran out.

In the battle we won, we attacked the blue gate, and worked our way forward from there until we were at the yellow gate. We got through there, into the courtyard, and got the gate to the Titan Relic down. Then it was just a matter of capturing the Titan Portal. When the Horde attempted it we basically did what they did in the battle we lost. They made it through the yellow gate but couldn't get through the gate the Titan Relic is behind.

I handed in my completed daily for 19g86s, 1241 bonus honor and 25 arena points. I like the idea of getting arena points for the daily, it will help them add up faster.


The battle for Alterac Valley - A sad day for the Alliance 12/10/09

I fought in 36 battles for Alterac Valley on Wranngar today, 13 wins and 23 losses. The Alliance didn't have it together today, that for sure. It must have been a school holiday in Australia or something, because the average mentality seemed to be around the 9 year old mark in there.

We tried to Blitz 6 times and succeeded twice. The main reason for this failure was not having everyone follow the plan. If you are going to attempt the Blitz, it would be a good idea to go to the left of Balinda and then go through the Iceblood area bewteen IBT and IBGY, DO NOT go anywhere near Galv. Galv is a tard magnet, some people CAN NOT ride past Galv without stopping and killing him. Nothing breaks your group apart faster than 1/3 of your team stopping at Galv because they can't follow the simple plan, "Ride straight to Drek, do not stop for anything, do not stop for Galv". When you get there minus half your team, don't forget the AFK, and you have to take down Drek at 200% health plus 4 Warmasters plus 2 elite Frostwolves you're screwed. The funny part, in a sickening kind of way, is the people who QQ the hardest because we failed the Blitz are the people that stopped at Galv or never even made it that far. We get a lot of people that go straight to DB out of the cave to "defend". There are no Horde there and nothing to "defend" against but they insist they are "defending".

The Horde were Blitzing all over the place, we had a lot of short battles. Evidently they don't have a problem working together.

We had a lot of turtles due to poor playing. Idiots taking SHGY at the worst possible time, people fighting in the middle, people not defending towers. You will hear people calling out for more in a tower all the time, then see people ride right by that tower ignoring them. Then they QQ when that tower gets taken. Horde do not do anything alone, they will bring at least 6 people to take a tower back, they even take 3 people to take a mine back... Horde are cowards and they travel in packs, If you see one Horde they will turn around and run away from you. 9 times out of 10 they will only attack a single Alliance player if there are at least 2 of them.

Anyway this is a lesson in how not to win in AV. I miss the old days when people actually knew what they were doing in AV. At certain times of the day you seem to get the veterans in there but it just didn't happen today.


The Battle for Wintergrasp 12/10/09

I only fought in one battle for Wintergrasp on Wranngar today, it was a loss.

We were defending the keep if you can call it that. Me and one other person were the only ones actually outside the keep, everyone else was inside the keep calling out progress reports. I killed some Warsong Champions and got my rank then tried to take over the eastern Workshop, so I could build a catapult to take out the southeastern tower, but got killed twice. By the time I got done rezzing on the other side of the battlefield and made my way back twice it was over. Not sure why no one else left the keep but it was a stupid move that cost us the battle. A prime example of what you don't achieve when people don't work together.


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