Stormpike Perfection - 12/11/09
I finally got the achievement Stormpike Perfection on Wranngar. This is an achievement from Alterac Valley. This was actually the second time in the past month we did it but I didn't get the achievement the first time. I put a ticket in and talked to a GM who said "It might have been your add-on's". He said he would send in a report and have it investigated. I never heard anything else about it, about what I have come to expect from Blizzard service. Anyway we did it again tonight and I got it. I had the same add-on's running as last time.
To get this achievement you have to Win Alterac Valley without losing a tower or captain. You must also control all of the Horde's towers. I didn't even notice we had all our towers, Bal was still alive and we had all the Horde towers, it was a surprise when it came up and said I got it. I am glad that is out of the way, I think that is the hardest achievement to get in AV.
I fought in 19 battles tonight, 21 wins and 7 losses. The night didn't start out well, we lost most of those 7 at the start and won towards the end. I get a kick out of the quitters in AV, if it doesn't look like it is going to be a fast win, people start dropping out... They get a 15 minute debuff and half the time we go on to win in less time than that, it makes me laugh.
We had some good battles tonight and I got a lot of kills. Not the 1,000+ I have been shooting for daily but around 800. I had some really good days this week though so it will still average over 7,000 for the week. As of this post I have 92,657 HK's, I still need 7,343 to get my title, another week. I am shooting for the achievement 100000 Honorable Kills which gives you the title "of the Alliance" for Alliance or "of the Horde" if you are Horde.
We tried to do The Alterac Blitz a few times tonight, an achievement I got on 11/02/08, but failed because, once again, not everyone went to Drek. It is a big mistake going by Galv when you are trying to do the Blitz, Glav is a tard magnet. Some people CAN NOT go past Galv. Once they see Iceblood Garrison they have to stop and kill Galv. That's what happened in the Blitz's we tried tonight. Take the people that stop for Galv, add the AFK to that, and you're looking at half your team gone.
We had a couple turtles, on both the Alliance and Horde sides. We had some nice face to face battles, I love those, the kills just come pouring in. We also got wiped out of Frostwolf Keep a couple times because someone capped SHGY at the wrong time and flooded us with Horde when they rezzed at their cave... That is another mistake the Alliance is doomed to repeat time and again I guess. I had a great time in there tonight though, AV is my favorite battleground and I would rather fight a losing battle in there than a winning battle in another battleground. Of course I don't need honor or marks so that is easy to say lol. For some reason the marks are staying in the mail for 30 days since patch 3.3.0. When you reach the cap on marks they mail them to you. Usually they would be good for 24 hours then disappear out of the mail. I liked that, I never had to worry about it. Now my mailbox fills up every day and I have to go in and delete the e-mails one at a time...
To get this achievement you have to Win Alterac Valley without losing a tower or captain. You must also control all of the Horde's towers. I didn't even notice we had all our towers, Bal was still alive and we had all the Horde towers, it was a surprise when it came up and said I got it. I am glad that is out of the way, I think that is the hardest achievement to get in AV.
I fought in 19 battles tonight, 21 wins and 7 losses. The night didn't start out well, we lost most of those 7 at the start and won towards the end. I get a kick out of the quitters in AV, if it doesn't look like it is going to be a fast win, people start dropping out... They get a 15 minute debuff and half the time we go on to win in less time than that, it makes me laugh.
We had some good battles tonight and I got a lot of kills. Not the 1,000+ I have been shooting for daily but around 800. I had some really good days this week though so it will still average over 7,000 for the week. As of this post I have 92,657 HK's, I still need 7,343 to get my title, another week. I am shooting for the achievement 100000 Honorable Kills which gives you the title "of the Alliance" for Alliance or "of the Horde" if you are Horde.
We tried to do The Alterac Blitz a few times tonight, an achievement I got on 11/02/08, but failed because, once again, not everyone went to Drek. It is a big mistake going by Galv when you are trying to do the Blitz, Glav is a tard magnet. Some people CAN NOT go past Galv. Once they see Iceblood Garrison they have to stop and kill Galv. That's what happened in the Blitz's we tried tonight. Take the people that stop for Galv, add the AFK to that, and you're looking at half your team gone.
We had a couple turtles, on both the Alliance and Horde sides. We had some nice face to face battles, I love those, the kills just come pouring in. We also got wiped out of Frostwolf Keep a couple times because someone capped SHGY at the wrong time and flooded us with Horde when they rezzed at their cave... That is another mistake the Alliance is doomed to repeat time and again I guess. I had a great time in there tonight though, AV is my favorite battleground and I would rather fight a losing battle in there than a winning battle in another battleground. Of course I don't need honor or marks so that is easy to say lol. For some reason the marks are staying in the mail for 30 days since patch 3.3.0. When you reach the cap on marks they mail them to you. Usually they would be good for 24 hours then disappear out of the mail. I liked that, I never had to worry about it. Now my mailbox fills up every day and I have to go in and delete the e-mails one at a time...
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