I fought in a bunch of battles for Alterac Valley on
Brieanna tonight. 3 losses while I was still in the 61-70 slot then 4 wins after I leveled and got into the 71-79 slot. I am liking the 71-79 slot a lot better, the people seem more organized and work together a lot better. It really dosent make any sense as these are the same people that were sucking in the 61-70 slot, some of them anyway.
Brieanna got
Stormpike Perfection after she got into the 71-79 slot and it was close. You have to have all your Bunkers (Allaince) or Towers (Horde) plus you still have to have Balinda (Alliance) or Galv (Horde) and control all the other sides towers. Needless to say it is not an easy achievement to get. The Horde had our North Bunker capping when we started on Drek and it looked like we were going to miss getting it by that, but we got it back about one and a half seconds before Drek went down. It was so close I didn't even notice we had gotten it back before the announcement popped up saying I got the achievement. I think almost everyone else in there got it too, I doubt there were too many that already had it.