Monday, January 4, 2010

Alterac Valley - Still Holiday Weekend 1/3/10

It's still the holiday weekend in Alterac Valley and the Alliance is still doing as poorly as they usually do in a battleground on it's holiday weekend. I fought in 11 battles on Wranngar, 4 wins and 7 losses. I also fought in 6 battles on Gomorra, 2 wins and 4 losses.

It has been quite awhile since I have been in a battleground on Gomorra. I respec'd to Affliction before I started doing battlegrounds on him again. I have never tried Affliction and am not sure if I like it. It is supposed to be the best PvP spec though. Gomorra got a few achievements in his first few battles, That Takes Class, The Grim Reaper and 25000 Honorable Kills. He only had 128 kills to go to get the last one, I knew he would be getting that, the others were a surprise. Of course Wranngar got those quite awhile ago, he fights in AV a lot.

The main problem we were having today was inexperience, followed closely by AFK and people not working together. We had one battle where it looked like it was going pretty good, we had IBT and TP capping, we had SFGY and IBGY and the East and West Towers capping in Frostwolf Keep along with the Relief Hut. All of a sudden the Horde came pouring into FWK and just overran us. They took the towers, the RH and wiped us out. The reason for that was someone taking SHGY, the only forward GY the Horde had. That caused them all to rez at FWGY, right outside the keep. People need to look at the map and think, what will happen if I cap this? Where will the Horde rez? Will this wipe us? And then act accordingly. Unfortunately they don't and it causes a lot of wipes.

We got all our wins today by killing Drek. The Horde got most, not all but most, of theirs on reinforcements. The way the battleground is set up most prolonged battles are in the Hordes favor on reinforcements. They can easily get to two of their objectives while manning a choke point that keeps us from getting to any of ours.

Unlike Wranngar, Gomorra does need honor for gear, he is very poorly geared at this point. He currently has about half the honor he needs for one piece of gear. He is going to have to do a lot of battlegrounds to get geared, but then again so did Wranngar. It is time for Wranngar to move on to arena.

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