The battle for Alterac Valley rages on. I fought in 25 battles on
Wranngar today, 21 wins and 4 losses. It is hard to believe I am fighting with the same people but I see the same people in these battles all the time. One day we do so bad it is unbelievable and the next day we can't lose, I don't know what's going on.

The strat that seems to be working well in there lately is to get Galv, then take and guard, and by guard I mean at least 4 people per tower, IBT and TP. Take IBGY while you are there and
do not take SHGY for any reason at the start. Have the rest of the people move on to FWGY and the FWRH and east and west FW towers. Hold all those objectives until they burn or cap then kill Drek. We had a lot of wins with that strat today.

The Blitz works well too if you can get everyone to follow the plan. Getting everyone to follow the plan is the hard part, it usually just doesn't happen. To do the Blitz you need to have everyone ride straight to Drek, no stopping
for anything. That is where the problem comes in, Glav is a tard magnet. People just can't let Galv live. A lot of times the Horde will wait in with Galv and, if we are doing the Blitz and only a few people go there, kill everyone that comes to kill him. If we are not doing the Blitz we always have enough people at Galv to wipe them out.
We had a group of 9 AFK at FWGY alone today. That does not count the people that were AFK in DB or the people AFK in the cave. The AFK problem is worse than I have ever seen it. There is some kind of new bot out that lets you set it to where you want to end up. Blizzard needs to get off their asses and do something about this.

We won a few on reinforcements. A lot of people QQ about those battles because they take so long but I like them. Those are usually the ones where we are fighting the Horde face to face, Today we pounded them all the way back to FWRH from SHGY and then took FWRH away from them, it was sweet :). I got a lot of kills in that and all the battles, over 1,000 for the day. I got a lot of honor too but I lose that because I am at the cap, 75,000.