Friday, December 4, 2009

The Battle for Alterac Valley 12/4/09

The battle for Alterac Valley was going pretty well for the Alliance today, I fought in 25 battles on Wranngar, 18 wins and 7 losses.

We had some great battles today. The Horde decided they wanted to turtle in a few of the battles because they usually win on a turtle. Not today. We beat up on them pretty bad. I think the Alliance has finally figured out how to beat the Horde when they turtle because they have been doing it a lot lately. We basically beat them all the way back to Frostwolf Keep, capping towers and killing Galv on the way if he's still alive, and then we usually take Frostwolf Keep away from them so they are rezzing in their cave. I had one battle where I got over 300 honorable kills. That is really helping me on my way to my 100,000 lifetime honorable kills and my "of the Alliance" title. After today I have over 85,000 kills. That's over 10,000 kills in 9 days :).

The strat that was working today was the tried and proven get Galv, IBT, TP, IBGY with one group while the other group heads forward and gets FWGY, WFWT, EFWT and the RH. The main problem we are still having is not enough people holding IBT and TP so when the Horde come they take it back pretty easily and people leaving the Frostwolf towers unguarded altogether. They like to go into the FW towers and start it capping then jump down to stand on noob hill. One Horde will stealth in there and recap it. It happens time and again and no one learns.

We had a lot of AFK today. It is getting worse every day. People are starting to get mad, they are reporting more and you hear more people saying "Report the AFK". That is good, hopefully the repeat offenders will get their accounts suspended or banned from the battlegrounds. It is the same group of about 30 people. I see them in all the battlegrounds.

I had a Mage try to polymorph me in cat form today LOL. He must have picked up his toon off Ebay this morning. You can't polymorph a Druid when he is shape shifted. If they polymorph me in human form I just shape shift out of it. It has been a long time since anyone has tried that on me. Also when anyone roots me I shape shift out of it. The only thing I can't shape shift out of is the Hunters ice trap, I have to use my trinket on that or wait.

The Battle for Wintergrasp 12/4/09

The battle for Wintergrasp still rages on. I fought in 2 battles today on Wranngar, we won both.

In both the battles we were defending Wintergrasp Keep. I don't know how many Horde were in the second battle but there was a hunter with 147,000+ hp. That is boss hp so I can only assume he was there by himself lol. Actually we do outnumber them in there and that's why they get the Tenacity but they are pretty much able to one shot you with it.

I got my quest from yesterday done, help destroy one of the Hordes southern towers. I went right to the southeastern tower and killed the warmasters there so I could pilot a catapult. Once I was able to do that I went to the workshop and built one, then I headed back to the tower and helped blast it down. I haven't built and piloted a tank yet but I will. I got another 10 Stone Keeper's Shards for turning that one in.

The Battle for Eye of the Storm - Daily Battleground 12/4/09

Today my daily battleground was Eye of the Storm. I did it on Wranngar as usual. It took 2 battles to get a win.

In the first battle we started off good, we had 3 towers capped, DR, BET and MT, then everyone went Flagtard. We lost one of the towers, then another. I was guarding DR alone when 6 Horde rode in. I called incoming and no one came. That is not unusual, especially when everyone is more concerned with the flag. We got one tower back but lost it again. Meanwhile we had 6 people in the middle fighting Horde for the flag... Bottom line, there were too many Flagtards and not enough towers so we lost that one.

In the second battle we had a much better group. We got MT, DR and FRR right from the start then worked on BET, which kept the Horde busy, and started running the flag. We got BET for a 4 cap and it was over soon after that. Towers are the way to win in EoS. And the way to get towers is to fight at the node, not in the road. When you fight at the node you are clocking it over, when you fight in the road you are just wasting time. You could tell the quality of players was better in this group, I was guarding FRR solo and when I called incoming 4 people were there just like that, what a difference from one battle to another.

I got my daily done and turned it in for 19g86s and 1241 bonus honor which I don't even get because I am at the 75,000 honor cap.

The Battle for Warsong Gulch - Daily Battleground 12/3/09

Warsong Gulch was my daily battleground today and I was not excited. I hate Warsong Gulch. I think it is a crappy battleground with very little return for the time you have to spend in there. At least they put a 25 minute timer on it so that is the longest per battle you will be stuck in there.

We actually did well in there today. I only had to fight in one battle on Wranngar and we won it 3/0. We had a good team that worked together and didn't spend all their time in the middle fighting and accomplishing nothing.

We were able to get their flag and hold onto it, I think we only lost it once after we got it, and cap. We were able to get a group together and get our flag back when they had it even though they had it pretty heavily guarded, at least 5 people at all times. Of course they used over-powered Ret Pally's to guard it but when the bubble bursts they go down pretty fast. We had a heavy guard on our flag carrier and he was never in any danger. The one time we lost the flag was coming across the field which is the most dangerous part. That is where you are out in the open and the center of the Horde's attention.

The Battle for Wintergrasp 12/3/09

I only fought in one battle for Wintergrasp tonight on Wranngar, a win. We won it easily as a matter of fact. I got into the battle after it started because I was fighting in AV so I didn't get to complete the quest I got, which was to help destroy one of the Horde's southern towers. I will complete it the next time I am in there.

When I got in we were defending the keep which had very little damage to it. The 3 southern towers were already down so basically all I had to do was run around killing Horde. I had no problem with that. We cleaned up the remains and the battle ended. I took the portal back to Dalaran from there. I don't have enough marks or shards to get anything so I didn't bother sticking around to see the quartermaster.

The Battle for Alterac Valley - What's going on? 12/3/09

The battle for Alterac Valley rages on. I fought in 25 battles on Wranngar today, 21 wins and 4 losses. It is hard to believe I am fighting with the same people but I see the same people in these battles all the time. One day we do so bad it is unbelievable and the next day we can't lose, I don't know what's going on.

The strat that seems to be working well in there lately is to get Galv, then take and guard, and by guard I mean at least 4 people per tower, IBT and TP. Take IBGY while you are there and do not take SHGY for any reason at the start. Have the rest of the people move on to FWGY and the FWRH and east and west FW towers. Hold all those objectives until they burn or cap then kill Drek. We had a lot of wins with that strat today.

The Blitz works well too if you can get everyone to follow the plan. Getting everyone to follow the plan is the hard part, it usually just doesn't happen. To do the Blitz you need to have everyone ride straight to Drek, no stopping for anything. That is where the problem comes in, Glav is a tard magnet. People just can't let Galv live. A lot of times the Horde will wait in with Galv and, if we are doing the Blitz and only a few people go there, kill everyone that comes to kill him. If we are not doing the Blitz we always have enough people at Galv to wipe them out.

We had a group of 9 AFK at FWGY alone today. That does not count the people that were AFK in DB or the people AFK in the cave. The AFK problem is worse than I have ever seen it. There is some kind of new bot out that lets you set it to where you want to end up. Blizzard needs to get off their asses and do something about this.

We won a few on reinforcements. A lot of people QQ about those battles because they take so long but I like them. Those are usually the ones where we are fighting the Horde face to face, Today we pounded them all the way back to FWRH from SHGY and then took FWRH away from them, it was sweet :). I got a lot of kills in that and all the battles, over 1,000 for the day. I got a lot of honor too but I lose that because I am at the cap, 75,000.

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