Today the daily battleground was Isle of Conquest. I did it on
Wranngar and we won the first one I was in. It was one of the weirdest battles I have ever been in. This will give you an idea just how much the Horde suck in the battlegrounds and why Blizzard starts the battlegrounds off so unbalanced in the Hordes favor.

The battle started off 4 Alliance to 39 Horde as evidenced in this screen shot. I didn't think we had a chance, nobody would, we were outnumbered 10 to 1. Seems like kind of high odds doesn't it? We won this battle. At the 6 minute mark we had 28 players. At the end we had 40 and killed the Horde General,
Overlord Agmar, for the win as evidenced in this screen shot. We started off outnumbered 10 to 1 and won...

It took 28 minutes to win it, imagine how fast we could have won it if we had actually started off even. Once in awhile you get a really good group together and this was one of those times even though they trickled in over 8 or 9 minutes.
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